AJ Photography - wedding photographer Alicante Torrevieja Murcia Spain

Shoot for John Lewis/Waitrose – Meet the producer

Shoot John Lewis and Waitrose

Waitrose/John Lewis commissioned me to shoot for their ´Meet the producers´ series in Seville. Seville is about 5-6 hours drive from Orihuela Costa so I gathered my studio strobes, power pack, cameras and lenses and decided to take a nice relaxing drive down there.

The producer this time was Huerta Ave Maria. Upon arrival I was welcomed by the owners, a husband and wife team. After the shoot I was so lucky to have a table set with fresh bread, plenty or Ave Maria marmelade (made with their bitter oranges) and fresh orange juice (made with their sweet navelinas).

They were so nice in explaining about the manufacturing process, everything that goes into maintaining the orange trees and soil and how they manage to produce 100% ecological.

So much love goes into their business, environment and produce, you can taste it!

shoot John Lewis and waitroseshoot John Lewis and waitrose


The tear sheet from the Waitrose magazine
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